
We will focus on family improvement.

Whatever the reason may be, most people are not crazy about the idea of starting therapy. It can be time consuming and inconvenient, expensive, hard, scary – and there is no guarantee.

However, with Imagine Psychology you can know that you are in good hands and will be working with someone who cares as much about you getting the best parenting experience as you do.

More importantly, we want you to be the family you always imagined.

You’re not the only one.

Let me put your mind at ease. I don’t bite, and you will not be judged. You are not the only parent with problems.

For instance, when your child makes a scene in a store, you might be embarrassed. However, I can tell you from experience that most of those parents are looking at you and thinking, “Thank goodness! It’s not me this time.”

We will focus on what you deem important.

By focusing on what is important to you, we are going to make this therapy experience run as smoothly as possible. It will be your day-to-day problems that we determine how to solve.

Yes, it will be hard work. And you will be exhausted at the end of the day, because good parenting and breaking habits are hard.

Nevertheless, a little hard work now will lead to a ton of payoff later, and, soon enough, you will see that your household and family will start to run like a well-oiled machine.

I offer an alternative to bareknuckle parenting.

You could just read a few parenting books and attempt to fix this without any help. Alternatively, you can seek help from a professional who has already read those books – and many, many more – and can tailor the techniques to your specific issues and concerns.

You get to work with someone who is not emotionally involved in your current situation. This is important when you and your spouse/parent/co-parent do not see eye to eye.

If it does not seem to be working, self-help books are not going to talk through a technique with you. With a therapist, you have someone who can help you modify the plan of action and make the necessary adjustments to meet your family’s needs.

Take action today for a better tomorrow

Together, we can imagine your ideal life, define your goals – and create an actionable plan to reach them.

Are your actions and behaviors moving you closer or further away from those goals? With each small change, you will gain momentum to see long-lasting improvements in the future.

At Imagine Psychology Practice, our treatment philosophy is straightforward, goal-oriented, and empathetic. We meet you where you are to find a balance that best suits your family’s needs.

About Me

Imagine health. Imagine happiness. Imagine a new life. It starts here.

I am the founder and managing director of Imagine Psychology Practice. I am a multilingual, doctoral-level, licensed psychologist with over 12 years of experience in individual, couples, and family therapy.

With specialized training in child and adult psychology, I can provide assessments for intelligence and gifted testing and evaluations for immigration and Autism spectrum disorders. I am an ADHD Certified Clinical Services Provider, a Florida Supreme Court certified mediator, and work as a parenting coordinator for the 19th Judicial Circuit.

Research-based therapy is used to focus on several issues, including special needs children, marital distress, adolescent difficulties, multi-cultural and minorities issues, and high-functioning adults and children who may just need some extra support.

My practice is dedicated to helping people achieve balance in their personal and professional lives by making good choices and gaining practical problem-solving skills.

How did I know that I wanted to work with parents?

It all happened by accident. I had a session with a mother who had a three-year-old terror who was about to be kicked out of daycare. He was so mean to her, and she would come into session and cry about the heartache and sorrows she was experiencing.

I met with them a few times together and then a few with the mother individually. We really got to the bottom of the behavioral concerns and how she could help change them.

In a few short months, she came in crying and telling me that her son no longer told her that she smelled like farts! We were so relieved. There were so many amazing improvements, and I saw how rewarding that process was for both of us.

After this experience, I realized that parent training was what I wanted to do! As a result, I just kept working with parents with children of all ages.

Once a parent, always a parent.

The funny thing is that the process did not change much from parents with 3-year old children to parents of 23-year old adults! Parenting is parenting, and that is when I began to focus on parenting across the life span.

All children present special problems. You may have a young child who cannot seem to leave the phase of the Terrible Twos. Perhaps you are dealing with the beautiful phase of adolescents or even boomerang children who are coming back home to live with you after college.

Regardless of your child’s age, my primary goal is to help parents see their potential, that of their child, and the relationship they can have if they put in some hard work now.

A Little about Me

My husband and I love traveling and really getting immersed in the culture. We can spend hours taking pictures, walking through a town, and checking out local cafes and eateries. Photography is my passion. We even do family photo contests after trips to see who captured it best!